Curt Duke, President/Archaeologist

Mr. Duke has 18 years of professional cultural resources experience. He meets the Secretary of Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology (36 CFR Part 61) and is a Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA, No. 15969). Before starting DUKE CRM he worked as a Principal at LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA). Over his 14 years at LSA Curt worked in both the Irvine and Riverside offices. He worked his way from temporary field/lab crew, to full-time staff, to project manager, to Principal. For eight years he managed the Cultural and Paleontological Resources Group in LSA's Riverside Office. Mr. Duke worked as an archaeological technician for three years before joining LSA. Curt is committed to excellence. His hard work and "can-do" attitude have set him apart from his peers. He understands the importance of service and communication, and prides himself in client responsiveness.

Mr. Duke is well-versed in Section 106 of the NHPA, NEPA, and CEQA. He has conducted more than 3,500 cultural resources assessments for various clients in California, Nevada, and Arizona. Mr. Duke has worked with most federal and state agencies, including Caltrans, FHWA, SHPO, ACOE, FRA, BLM, USFS, ACHP, DOD, FCC, DWR, VA, PUC, CEC, and SWRCB, to name a few. In addition, he has worked with most local agencies in southern California.

He received his B.A. in Anthropology in 1994 from the University of California, Santa Cruz, with an emphasis in forensic anthropology, human evolution, and archaeology. After choosing a career in archaeology he studied at San Diego State University for a year before receiving his M.A. in Anthropology in 2006 from California State University, Fullerton. His M.A. thesis focused on prehistoric mortuary analysis in southern California.

Mr. Duke is involved in every project. He is responsible for ensuring that the quality of analysis and reporting meets or exceeds appropriate local, state, and federal standards.