Utilities project examples.

SunPower image

Project: California Valley Solar Ranch

Client: SunPower

Location: California Valley, San Luis Obispo County

California Valley Solar Ranch is a 250-watt, 4,000-acre project located on the Carrizo Plain in eastern San Luis Obispo County. Mr. Duke was the Principal-in-Charge for this project. His team conducted a records search, field survey, Native American scoping, and prepared an archaeological survey report. His team identified, recorded, and evaluated several historical archaeological sites.

Southern California Edison image

Project: Whipple-Havasu Circuit

Client: Southern California Edison

Location: near Lake Havasu, San Bernardino County

Mr. Duke's team conducted an archaeological survey of 249 poles along 25 miles of land located on the Chemehuevi Indian Reservation and BLM lands. The project was located within the boundaries of the Desert Training Center (DTC); however, no DTC cultural resources were observed. Seven cultural resources were identified: four prehistoric sites, two prehistoric isolates, and one 1920s historic camp. All work was completed in compliance with NHPA and NEPA.

Tufa, Southern California Edison image

Project: Tufa Circuit

Client: Southern California Edison

Location: Mono Lake, Mono County

Mr. Duke's team conducted an archaeological survey of 225 poles (9 miles) along the western shore of Mono Lake. The survey included private lands and lands managed by the BLM and Inyo National Forest. Twenty-one cultural resources were located within the project APE, these consisted of both historic and prehistoric archaeological sites. The survey report was completed on time and accepted by SCE, BLM, and INF. All work was completed in compliance with NHPA and NEPA.

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